Dear Colleagues
At FAO, we are working hard to make social protection floors a reality, especially important for overcoming hunger, food insecurity and poverty which is three quarters rural. With the modest and uneven progress on these fronts in recent decades, only social protection can help accelerate progress for the poor and hungry.
Historically, social protection has been weaker outside the formal sector, especially in the countryside. Our work 'from protection to production' will also help ensure much more sustainable hunger and poverty eradication.
We welcome and fully support collaborative work at the country level, as well as at regional and global levels, and look forward to enhanced collaboration as we work together to rise to the Zero Hunger Challenge.
Best regards
Jomo Kwame Sundaram
Coordinator for Economic and Social Development
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FAO (ES-ADG, Room B532), Vialle delle Terme di Caracalla,
00153 Roma, Italy.
Office: [email protected] +39-0657053566
At FAO, we are working hard to make social protection floors a reality, especially important for overcoming hunger, food insecurity and poverty which is three quarters rural. With the modest and uneven progress on these fronts in recent decades, only social protection can help accelerate progress for the poor and hungry.
Historically, social protection has been weaker outside the formal sector, especially in the countryside. Our work 'from protection to production' will also help ensure much more sustainable hunger and poverty eradication.
We welcome and fully support collaborative work at the country level, as well as at regional and global levels, and look forward to enhanced collaboration as we work together to rise to the Zero Hunger Challenge.
Best regards
Jomo Kwame Sundaram
Coordinator for Economic and Social Development
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FAO (ES-ADG, Room B532), Vialle delle Terme di Caracalla,
00153 Roma, Italy.
Office: [email protected] +39-0657053566