Dear Colleagues,
I hope we will continue with this very interesting conversation regarding global fund/s for social protection floors, something that Global Unions is very interested in.
Since we are on the topic of social protection floors, below are links to two letters Global Unions sent this week to the IMF and World Bank that raise the issue of social protection floors with both institutions:
(The complete ITUC-Global Unions Statement to the 2013 Spring Meetings of the IMF and World Bank can be seen
We have also raised with the IMF the issue of fiscal space for social protection, including in the MENA region. Below is a link to a report on fuel subsidies the Fund issued last week. The table in Annex 3 of the report is interesting because it gives an indication of the fiscal space that energy
subsidies occupy in national budgets. Nevertheless, in the letter linked above to the IMF we have raised very serious concerns about how these subsidies are being removed, emphasizing the need to put into place mitigating measures prior to their removal.
If you have feedback or questions, please feel free to post or to contact me at pgomez at You can follow us on Twitter at @itucglobalunion.
Best regards,
Pamela Gomez
Research Officer
ITUC/Global Unions - Washington Office
888 16th Street NW, Suite 400
Washington, DC 20006
E-mail: [email protected]
I hope we will continue with this very interesting conversation regarding global fund/s for social protection floors, something that Global Unions is very interested in.
Since we are on the topic of social protection floors, below are links to two letters Global Unions sent this week to the IMF and World Bank that raise the issue of social protection floors with both institutions:
(The complete ITUC-Global Unions Statement to the 2013 Spring Meetings of the IMF and World Bank can be seen
We have also raised with the IMF the issue of fiscal space for social protection, including in the MENA region. Below is a link to a report on fuel subsidies the Fund issued last week. The table in Annex 3 of the report is interesting because it gives an indication of the fiscal space that energy
subsidies occupy in national budgets. Nevertheless, in the letter linked above to the IMF we have raised very serious concerns about how these subsidies are being removed, emphasizing the need to put into place mitigating measures prior to their removal.
If you have feedback or questions, please feel free to post or to contact me at pgomez at You can follow us on Twitter at @itucglobalunion.
Best regards,
Pamela Gomez
Research Officer
ITUC/Global Unions - Washington Office
888 16th Street NW, Suite 400
Washington, DC 20006
E-mail: [email protected]