Dear colleagues,
Are we seeing the end of the global economic crisis? Or has it transformed into a global jobs crisis? What are the (distributional) implications for countries and people? And what does all of that mean in the context of the construction of a post-2015 development agenda?
These are some of the major questions behind global social policy discussions illustrated in the latest Global Social Policy (GSP) Digest that has been compiled by Amy Barnes and the Scharr global health team (University of Sheffield), James Canonge (Colombia University), Alexandra Kaasch (University of Bremen), Branka Marijan (Wilfrid Laurier University), Sony Pellisery (National Law School of India University, Bangalore), and Antoni Verger (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona).
Covering the period December 2013 to early April 2014, GSP Digest 14.2 summarises global social policy and governance in the fields of global social redistribution, regulation and rights; health, social protection, education, food and habitat land housing.
The GSP Digest is available at
Please feel free to distribute among interested colleagues, and to let me have any information that you would like to see included at the GSP Observatory Website ( or in the next GSP Digest(s).
Best wishes,
Alexandra Kaasch
Editor, Global Social Policy Digest and Global Social Policy Observatory
Are we seeing the end of the global economic crisis? Or has it transformed into a global jobs crisis? What are the (distributional) implications for countries and people? And what does all of that mean in the context of the construction of a post-2015 development agenda?
These are some of the major questions behind global social policy discussions illustrated in the latest Global Social Policy (GSP) Digest that has been compiled by Amy Barnes and the Scharr global health team (University of Sheffield), James Canonge (Colombia University), Alexandra Kaasch (University of Bremen), Branka Marijan (Wilfrid Laurier University), Sony Pellisery (National Law School of India University, Bangalore), and Antoni Verger (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona).
Covering the period December 2013 to early April 2014, GSP Digest 14.2 summarises global social policy and governance in the fields of global social redistribution, regulation and rights; health, social protection, education, food and habitat land housing.
The GSP Digest is available at
Please feel free to distribute among interested colleagues, and to let me have any information that you would like to see included at the GSP Observatory Website ( or in the next GSP Digest(s).
Best wishes,
Alexandra Kaasch
Editor, Global Social Policy Digest and Global Social Policy Observatory