Dear friends
You may be interested in our publication " The Debt Crisis: From Europe to Where?" downloadable in CADTM website:
In our newsletter you will find a series of articles on the topic, for example, following up the Argentinian case against the international vulture funds NML Capital and Aurelius Capital Management, the latest being a call for regulation of vulture funds by debt justice campaigners (here), or on the movements against debt in Spain and for a new social deal that can transform Europe (here).
See also on the International Citizen debt Audit Network (ICAN), born under the slogan “We don’t owe ! We won’t pay!”, bringing together movements and networks in different European and North African countries, fighting austerity measures and the debt system through the implementation of citizen audits.
Best regards
Eric Toussaint
Comité pour l'Annulation de la Dette du Tiers Monde(CADTM)
Avenue de l'Observatoire 345, 4000 Liège, Belgium
You may be interested in our publication " The Debt Crisis: From Europe to Where?" downloadable in CADTM website:
In our newsletter you will find a series of articles on the topic, for example, following up the Argentinian case against the international vulture funds NML Capital and Aurelius Capital Management, the latest being a call for regulation of vulture funds by debt justice campaigners (here), or on the movements against debt in Spain and for a new social deal that can transform Europe (here).
See also on the International Citizen debt Audit Network (ICAN), born under the slogan “We don’t owe ! We won’t pay!”, bringing together movements and networks in different European and North African countries, fighting austerity measures and the debt system through the implementation of citizen audits.
Best regards
Eric Toussaint
Comité pour l'Annulation de la Dette du Tiers Monde(CADTM)
Avenue de l'Observatoire 345, 4000 Liège, Belgium