Dear colleagues,
The African Union, in collaboration with the Government of South Africa and UNICEF hosted an AU Expert Consultation on Children and Social Protection Systems, Cape Town, April 28-30th. This consultation gathered delegates from more than 40 countries across the continent to discuss the state of the evidence on Social protection in Africa, lessons from design and implementation, as well as the way forward, in terms of scale-up and financing. The Recommendations out of the Cape Town meeting focused on political will and expansion of coverage, development of a minimum social protection package, systems development and allocation of national resources to social protection. These Recommendations were adopted at the Fourth Session of AU Meeting of Ministers of Social Development -CAMSD4 took place May 26-30 in Addis.
Link to Expert Consultation and Press releases:
Link to the Cape Town Recommendations:
This is without doubt a critical regional recognition of the role of social protection in children’s and families’ rights, development, as well as to the region’s inclusive growth.
Warm regards
Natalia Winder Rossi
Senior Social Policy (Social Protection) Specialist
Regional Social Policy Advisor (OIC)
UNICEF Regional Office for Eastern and Southern Africa
P.O. Box 44145-00100, Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254 20-7622350
Email: [email protected]
Skype: nwinder.unicef
The African Union, in collaboration with the Government of South Africa and UNICEF hosted an AU Expert Consultation on Children and Social Protection Systems, Cape Town, April 28-30th. This consultation gathered delegates from more than 40 countries across the continent to discuss the state of the evidence on Social protection in Africa, lessons from design and implementation, as well as the way forward, in terms of scale-up and financing. The Recommendations out of the Cape Town meeting focused on political will and expansion of coverage, development of a minimum social protection package, systems development and allocation of national resources to social protection. These Recommendations were adopted at the Fourth Session of AU Meeting of Ministers of Social Development -CAMSD4 took place May 26-30 in Addis.
Link to Expert Consultation and Press releases:
Link to the Cape Town Recommendations:
This is without doubt a critical regional recognition of the role of social protection in children’s and families’ rights, development, as well as to the region’s inclusive growth.
Warm regards
Natalia Winder Rossi
Senior Social Policy (Social Protection) Specialist
Regional Social Policy Advisor (OIC)
UNICEF Regional Office for Eastern and Southern Africa
P.O. Box 44145-00100, Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254 20-7622350
Email: [email protected]
Skype: nwinder.unicef