Dear friends,
Here is the link to the ITUC’s Frontlines report on social protection, launched this week.
Please feel free to share the English version with other colleagues and your networks.
It will be posted on the ITUC website in Spanish and French at the time of the ITUC Congress in mid-May.
3rd ITUC World Congress 2014, Berlin 18 – 23 May. regards,
Alison Tate
Director of External Relations
ITUC International Trade Union Confederation
CSI Confédération syndicale internationale
CSI Confederación Sindical Internacional
IGB Internationaler Gewerkschaftsbund
Boulevard du Roi Albert II 5, B 1, 1210 Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32 (0)2 224 0211
Email: [email protected]
Equal Times: News, opinion, action
Here is the link to the ITUC’s Frontlines report on social protection, launched this week.
Please feel free to share the English version with other colleagues and your networks.
It will be posted on the ITUC website in Spanish and French at the time of the ITUC Congress in mid-May.
3rd ITUC World Congress 2014, Berlin 18 – 23 May. regards,
Alison Tate
Director of External Relations
ITUC International Trade Union Confederation
CSI Confédération syndicale internationale
CSI Confederación Sindical Internacional
IGB Internationaler Gewerkschaftsbund
Boulevard du Roi Albert II 5, B 1, 1210 Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32 (0)2 224 0211
Email: [email protected]
Equal Times: News, opinion, action